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I provide psychodynamic counselling for adults, who are under stress, anxiety or other psychological/ relational issues and concerns.

Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT)  is an evidence-based clinical approach to help individuals grow their capacity to mentalize.

Your well-being is the key for your child's healthy growth and development.

Adult Counselling

Adult Counselling

  • Interpersonal issues (ex. in marriage, in child rearing, in relationships or at work)


  • Anxiety (ex. sleeping difficulties, lack or excess of appetite, chronic headache/ stomachache)


  • Stress (ex. in life transitions, immigration, loss of loved ones)


  • Self knowledge (understanding oneself better in order to improve current relations or quality of life)


How we start…

Please contact me for a first meeting to discuss about your concerns and expectations for counselling. Then I will provide a few initial sessions (three to five sessions) to understand and clarify the presented concerns and the aim of our potential work together. We’ll then have a feedback session to decide together whether or not to continue and the frequency of ongoing counselling.


* For further information, do not hesitate to contact me.


MBT Informed Counselling

MBT informed counselling is provided for individuals with a range of emotional and behavioral difficulties, such as emotional instability, anxiety and anger control. They can derive from interpersonal conflicts as well as adjustment difficulties dealing with particular challenge such as international relocation, divorce or bereavement.


What is MBT?


Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT) is an evidence-based, time-limited clinical approach to help individuals grow his/her capacity to mentalize, thus to understand thoughts, behaviors, intentions and emotions of others and oneself in order to improve our emotional life and the quality of interpersonal relationships.


How do we proceed?


  • Initial meetings: What are the difficulties you face? What are the issues at home/ work? How would you like to improve your life? We’ll take 2-3 sessions to understand the issues to be treated, followed by the discussion of whether or not this particular method is appropriate for your concerns.


  • Formulating the issue: We will then specify the recurrent issues and formulate the pattern of the issue in concern in order to set a clear target of our work.


  • Sessions and revisions: We’ll start working, applying specific methods of MBT for approximately 11 sessions, and at the end of the period we will decide whether or not further treatment will be necessary.


* For further information, do not hesitate to contact me.


Parental Support

Dear Parents,


There is an African proverb that says “it takes the whole village to raise one child”. In the human history, the community has always worked together and collaborated to raise a child. Although our modern life style and global mobility tend to give us quite a different picture for our child rearing environment, the Child-Parent Counselling hopes to serve as a member of your village to think together and collaborate in your journey with your child. 


Developmental consultations
When you have some concerns about your child’s emotional and psychological growth, I can provide you with the parent-child consultations, as well as developmental assessment to explore how best we can support your child to her/his potentials. 


We can set a time periodically to check in and chat about your child’s growth and current concerns as your child grows up.


Parental counselling
Child rearing is a big challenge for any parent. If you have experienced difficult childhood yourself or been experiencing any emotional difficulties at the time, the challenge can be overwhelming. The children’s best support is your support; therefore, your well-being is also their priority. Taking the time and being able to reflect on your own experiences has been found to have enormously positive impact on child’s growth (Fonagy 1991). Do not hesitate to get help to help your child!


Fonagy P, Steele H, Steele M. 1991. "Maternal Representations of Attachment during Pregnancy Predict the Organization of Infant-Mother Attachment at One Year of Age." Child Development (University of Chigago Press) 62 (5): 891-905.


* For further information, do not hesitate to contact me.

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