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in practice since 2003

The profound richness and intricacy of the interactions between the child and her/his caregiver has always been of great interest to me. After 20 years of practice in the counselling field, working with children, adolescents and adults, I have come to appreciate the importance of these interactions as well as their impact on our adult life. I am a certified Clinical Psychologist in Japan, and I am registered as a psychological counsellor in Geneva. I am a certified Mentalization Based Treatment for Children (MBT-C) and Adolescents (MBT-A) practitioner and supervisor registered by Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families in UK  (click here for more details).


My educational background Currently a PhD candidate at Division of Psychology and Language Sciences at University College London. Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Perinatal and Early Childhood from University of Geneva and Lausanne completed in 2018Master of Arts in Counselling from Webster University completed in 2003.


My experience includes extensive work with school age children and their parents as a school psychologist as well as with adolescents and adults as a residential psychotherapist at university hospitals and counselling centres. I provide my services in English and Japanese, and my international relocation experience motivates me to pay particular attention and appreciation to the cultural values and customs of each individual according to her/his background and  heritage.

Eriko Gavino

Child-Parent Counselling, 2020. All rights reserved. 

Web Design : Julien Frei

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